


  1. Landslides and growing folds: A lesson from the Kura fold-and-thrust belt (Azerbaijan, Georgia)
    Tomáš Pánek, Michal Břežný, Hans-Balder Havenith, and 1 more author
    Geomorphology, Mar 2024
  2. Accelerated retreat of northern James Ross Island ice streams (Antarctic Peninsula) in the Early-Middle Holocene induced by buoyancy response to postglacial sea level rise
    Matěj Roman, Daniel Nývlt, Bethan J. Davies, and 7 more authors
    Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Sep 2024


  1. The largest rock avalanches in Patagonia: Timing and relation to Patagonian Ice Sheet retreat
    Tomáš Pánek, Michal Břežný, Rachel Smedley, and 4 more authors
    Quaternary Science Reviews, Feb 2023


  1. Large landslides cluster at the margin of a deglaciated mountain belt
    Tomáš Pánek, Michal Břežný, Stephan Harrison, and 2 more authors
    Scientific Reports, Apr 2022
    Number: 1 Publisher: Nature Publishing Group


  1. Complex causes of landslides after ice sheet retreat: Post-LGM mass movements in the Northern Patagonian Icefield region
    Tomáš Pánek, Michal Břežný, Jakub Kilnar, and 1 more author
    Science of The Total Environment, Mar 2021
  2. Old but still active: \textgreater 18 ka history of rock slope failures affecting a flysch anticline
    Michal Břežný, Tomáš Pánek, Règis Braucher, and 5 more authors
    Landslides, Jan 2021
  3. Low-topography deep-seated gravitational slope deformation: Slope instability of flysch thrust fronts (Outer Western Carpathians)
    Vladimír Chalupa, Tomáš Pánek, Karel Šilhán, and 3 more authors
    Geomorphology, Sep 2021


  1. Post-LGM faulting in Central Europe: LiDAR detection of the \textgreater50 km-long Sub-Tatra fault, Western Carpathians
    Tomáš Pánek, Jozef Minár, Ladislav Vitovič, and 1 more author
    Geomorphology, Sep 2020
  2. Moraines and marls: Giant landslides of the Lago Pueyrredón valley in Patagonia, Argentina
    Tomáš Pánek, Elisabeth Schönfeldt, Diego Winocur, and 4 more authors
    Quaternary Science Reviews, Nov 2020


  1. Large landslides and deep-seated gravitational slope deformations in the Czech Flysch Carpathians: New LiDAR-based inventory
    Tomáš Pánek, Michal Břežný, Veronika Kapustová, and 2 more authors
    Geomorphology, Dec 2019


  1. Giant landslides in the foreland of the Patagonian Ice Sheet
    Tomáš Pánek, Oliver Korup, Jan Lenart, and 2 more authors
    Quaternary Science Reviews, Aug 2018
  2. Sackung and enigmatic mass movement folds on a structurally-controlled mountain ridge
    Michal Břežný, Tomáš Pánek, Jan Lenart, and 3 more authors
    Geomorphology, Dec 2018
  3. 10Be dating reveals pronounced Mid-to Late Holocene activity of deep-seated landslides in the highest part of the Czech Flysch Carpathians
    Michal Břežný, Tomáš Pánek, Jan Lenart, and 2 more authors
    Quaternary Science Reviews, Sep 2018
  4. Increased gully activity induced by short-term human interventions – Dendrogeomorphic research based on exposed tree roots
    Radek Tichavský, Olga Kluzová, Michal Břežný, and 4 more authors
    Applied Geography, Sep 2018
  5. Regional, tree-ring based chronology of landslides in the Outer Western Carpathians
    Karel Šilhán, Radek Tichavský, Václav Škarpich, and 2 more authors
    Geomorphology, Nov 2018


  1. Deep-seated landslides affecting monoclinal flysch morphostructure: Evaluation of LiDAR-derived topography of the highest range of the Czech Carpathians
    Michal Břežný, and Tomáš Pánek
    Geomorphology, May 2017


  1. Cosmogenic age constraints on post-LGM catastrophic rock slope failures in the Tatra Mountains (Western Carpathians)
    Tomáš Pánek, Zbyněk Engel, Pavel Mentlík, and 4 more authors
    CATENA, Mar 2016


  1. Sesuvy: hrozba i krása
    Michal Břežný
    Geografické rozhledy, Mar 2015


  1. New methods to reconstruct clast transport history in different glacial sedimentary environments: Case study for Old Red sandstone clasts from polythermal Hørbyebreen and Bertilbreen valley glaciers, Central Svalbard
    Martin Hanáček, Daniel Nývlt, Jan Flašar, and 8 more authors
    Czech Polar Reports, Mar 2013